Change of Address

Hi and welcome to the Haven Holistic.

We are a small mobile Reiki Therapy business based in Rochdale (UK) and the surrounding areas specialising in Reiki for stress relief and Reiki in pregnancy.

You may have found yourself here by accident while looking for our website in which case, please click on the above link and I’ll see you over there.



I started this blog with the best will in the world and believe me I intend to turn it into something but right now, with a 9 month old and a 3 year old I can’t seem to find the time!  So… I thought i’d do a quick post with an image I found.  Lovely.

Tenzin Gyatso, the fourteenth and current Dala...

Very short one today but fitting, I thought, considering my ruminations of the last week.




“The consensus that science and spirituality are incompatible no longer holds firm. As the scientific understanding of the nature of reality deepens, perceptions are changing and people are beginning to show more interest in what I call our inner world.  By this, I mean the dynamics and functions of consciousness: both our hearts and our minds.”  Dalai Lama

More Vibrations

I am aware that yesterday I didn’t really do what I set out to do which was to think about how to describe Reiki.  There was a fairly lengthy comment about vibrations which for me is the crux of it, but no real ‘description’ if you will, of what Reiki is.  If someone were to ask me directly what it is I could go into vigourous explanation of Mikao Usui and the historical and I could talk about the practicalities of it until my listener falls asleep (I’m very good at long description and going off the point which if you have the willpower to stick with me, you will soon discover!) but when someone asks me what it is, they want to know exactly that.  They want a succint answer, one that they can take on board and then decide if they wish to delve deeper into the discussion with me, or, depending on their own belief or attitude or even simply the way they are feeling that day, they can move on to another topic of conversation if they so wish.

People around me know I ‘do’ Reiki.  I am proud of what I can do and I am happy to pass on my knowledge to others if they wish to know.  It should never be forced on them.  No belief should ever be forced on anyone.  Reiki will come to you when you are ready for it and when the time is right, you will look and you will find it.  And if I happen to be one of those that you come to, then it is my deepest wish that you will leave having learned something that will have helped you.

Reiki was first introduced to me nearly 15 years ago but it took nearly 10 years before I opened myself to it.  Before that it was just a word.  Now of course it is a huge part of my life.  I guess what i’m trying to say is that when it first came to me, I wasn’t ready.  I wasn’t in the right place emotionally or spiritually.  There were many things I had yet to experience both good and bad and there was a lot of growing and learning that I had to do (there still is and that will never stop) before I would get to a place where I was emotionally mature enough to use it well.  When the time was right, when I was in the right place to accept it, I found it again.  Right where it was waiting all the time… and I have gone away with myself again!

Reiki written in Shinjitai Japanese.

So what do I say?  What is Reiki?  What does it do?  Why do you need it?

Well, in its most simple translation, it means ‘universal life energy’.  I have heard this ‘energy’ referred to as many things, ‘chi’, ‘prana’, ‘spirit’, ‘ki’, ‘qi’ and even ‘the holy spirit’.  It is universal.  It is not tied to one religion, one faith, one belief system… it exists throughout all and whatever the name, it is the same positive ‘energy’ or ‘vibration’ that comes from the very core of our belief.

Reiki, is a system of channeling that vibration to promote the spiritual, physical and mental wellbeing of a person or animal or object (yes really!  But more of that at a later date.).  We all operate at a variety of different vibrations and depending on what is going on in our lives and our feelings, these vibrations can change from day to day.  When we are ill, mental or physical, or we experience pain or negativity in our lives these vibrations slow down and become sluggish.

Reiki is the highest of vibrations and it is there buzzing around us ready to tap into whenever we need it.  A little like sticking your finger in a socket to recharge your batteries.  A quick ‘blast’ of Reiki will help to bring your vibrations up to a higher frequency which in turn will help you to deal with whatever is going on in your life at that moment, be it a difficult time, disease or illness or extreme stress.

Will it take away heartache?  No.  Will it heal a broken leg? No. Will it cure cancer?  Of course not!  You will do that yourself if that is your will but you will find that with Reiki, you are more equipped to deal with whatever life throws at you.

Your heartache will not disappear after one Reiki treatment, but it will lift your vibrations a little to help you to deal will the aching loss you feel inside and to move forward with your life.

You will not suddenly stand up and run a marathon after a Reiki Practitioner lays their hands on your broken leg and channels the ki into you, but you may feel more able to deal with the pain and rather than despair of the things you cannot do, you will feel more positively about your recovery which in turn will drastically reduce your healing time.

And as for cancer… well it depends on your own personal beliefs but I can tell you from observing it first hand that positivity works wonders.  My mother survived a particularly virulent form of cancer for ten years longer than her doctor predicted because of her unceasing will to fight it.  She went through four separate chemotherapy treatments. two separate radiotherapy treatments and had a mastectomy and yet she never, ever lost her positivity.  In turn, she kept her vibrations as high as she could despite a two-fold attack from both the cancer and the cocktail of chemotherapy drugs.

Around her, friends who were diagnosed years after her lasted only a year or two, and sometimes only months because they quickly became depressed and lost their will to fight.  So no – Reiki will not cure your cancer, but it may help you to fight it, and if it truly is your time to go then Reiki will help you to deal with it and to deal with what is to come.

Good Vibrations

I’ve been thinking about how to describe Reiki. Firstly because I need to create a leaflet for the business and also because when people ask me what Reiki is I don’t have a particular answer. I usually say something like “It’s a universal energy that can be passed through me to you.”

The next question is invariably something along the lines of querying what it actually does to which I respond with an inane, “well it sort of makes you feel better.” Neither response is really very good.

I know it works for me, I feel it working and I know what it does for me without having to verbalise it. Except that if I want to make a living from it, verbalise is exactly what I need to do!

I was thinking about this before Christmas and also about what to write on my blog when the word ‘vibration’ popped into my head from, seemingly nowhere. Now recently, I have made a pact with myself to stop ignoring that inner voice of mine and to start paying attention so rather than let the word drift casually off out the window only for it to pop up at some other time in the future for me to ignore, this time I listened.

And I was right to listen. After a little research I have managed to write down what I think I intuitively already knew, but couldn’t verbalise. Vibration, is everything. Everything is energy and energy, according to Cyndi Dale, author of ‘The Subtle Body: an Encyclopaedia of Energetic Anatomy‘ is information that vibrates’.

It may sound deeply new-agey and hippified but it would seem that a certain famous scientist with a bad haircut discovered the relationship between energy, mass and the speed of light. Yes ladies and gentlemen, I am talking about Mr Albert Einstein and that old chestnut ‘E=MC²’. Basically, all energy (heat, movement, etc.) can be converted into mass and vice versa and the difference between the two gets less the faster one goes or the higher the vibration. Essentially. matter and energy are not separate but are different forms of the same thing.

We exist as a series of subtle and vastly different vibrations. These vibrations move at variable frequencies creating all that we see and experience in our lives and since we are made of energy and we are sustained by energy and energy is vibration, you, me and everyone and everything in our lives vibrate. Energy is not a static structure and as such we are an ever-changing field of active energy and vibration.

In its most basic form, science (and bear in mind I am not a scientist in any form whatsoever) offers the illustration of a wheel or cylinder in varying states of movement. Moving slowly, the cylinder may be seen moving. As the speed increases, the wheel begins to move so rapidly that the movement begins to become almost imperceptible to the observer as to look still and a low note is heard.

As the rate of movement or vibration further increases, the note rises through the musical scale until it reaches a tone so high that the human ear cannot register the vibrations anymore and although the vibrations continue, to the listener only silence is perceived.

What follows then is the perception of heat. As the ‘cylinder’ vibrates ever more rapidly, the observer begins to see a dull reddish colour which in turn works its way through the colour spectrum until as with the vibrations of sound, all colour disappears past that which the human eye can register and we move into the realm of X-rays and electricity and magnetism as the appropriate rate of vibration is reached.

This vibration continues onwards and upwards and the ‘cylinder’ which by now has ceased to become an object at all, has disintegrated into the molecules and atoms and electrons, protons and neutrons which are its very make-up. Further up the vibrational frequency and we move on to quarks which is where I believe science more or less stops…

If we were to follow the same principle though, the vibrations would continue to increase through successive states of manifestation by way of thought and emotion which in turn have their own corresponding rate of vibrations and then onwards into spirit.

Which brings me to how vibration has everything to do with wellness and happiness and creating a better life for myself and for others. As I said before, we are an ever-changing field of active energy and vibration and as such our vibrations can change depending on our own thoughts, beliefs and feelings and it is we who determine the frequency at which we vibrate.

We choose how we will be. Negative thoughts vibrate at a lower frequency than positive thoughts. Illness vibrates at a lower frequency than that of wellness which operates at a faster level.

The more in tune a person is with themselves and the higher their awareness, then the higher their rate of vibration. The higher the vibrational energy, the healthier one is, the more positive one is and the happier and closer one is to Spirit.

The Beginning

This blog will be very much a work in progress. My intention is that it will eventually be an accompaniment to my business ‘The Haven – Holistic Centre’ and that I will be able to post motivational stories, quotations, thoughts and ongoing workshops and events at The Haven.

The Haven however, is also a work in progress. Primarily because at the moment it is a concept, the seed of an idea that took root a number of years ago and has been very slow to grow. This blog is part of the process. A little bit of plant food, if you will, to help those roots grow strong and become the perfect foundation for the future.

Secondly, I am new to the world of blogging. I am new to this site and the only way to learn is to do. There will be a many mistakes, a lot of experimentation and probably much deletion. Its all a part of the beginning of anything. Without mistakes, without trying things out a number of different ways, without the endless drafting and redrafting, there is no improvement. Which brings me to my final point today.

I am a work in progress and the creation of this blog is all part of the cathartic process I am going through. That seed was planted many years ago when I was still a teenager and yet I find myself at 37 not quite as far along my path as I had hoped. Life got in the way, but it is that life that has made me the person I am today and it has taken a long time for me to realise that it was all part of the process.

I suppose I want to share my journey with others who are on the same path. To let you know that it isn’t just you that falters. That it doesn’t matter if the journey keeps getting halted and you lose your way. You have the rest of your life to get there and you’ll find your way back when the time is right.